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Down in Edin magazine is a fantastic arts, culture & lifestyle journal, released on a quarterly basis. Issue 15 came out in December and (in addition to Nick), you’ll find interesting articles on authors, a filmmaker, musician, composer, photographer and relevant sustainability issues facing our community today.

Caroline Davies, editor of Down in Edin has put together a great, in depth read about Nicks work, what contributes to his perspective and a real look at the guy behind the camera/craft.

If you’ve got some time over the summer and you have an interest in creative people and whats behind their accomplishments this is the magazine for you.

Copied directly from the website Down in Edin is all about:

“Discovering the common and diverse threads in our humanity through the stories of our creative journeys, love of place, and lifestyle choices. “

Direct link to Issue 15 can be found HERE: Down in Edin: Nick Beadle.

See this gallery in the original post