stw studio

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Hi friends,   this image which we named 'Golden Sand' was taken early on Thursday morning at St Clair where the lads began work for the day.  How gorgeous are the ripples leading across the sand under the golden glow cast by the rising sun?

W h a t 's   N e w ?

Nick began this journey capturing spots around Dunedin 18 months ago on his trusty cell phone with a couple of lens attachments,  as things progressed he graduated to an Olympus OM-D EM-5 mk1 kindly on loan from his Dad who is also an avid photography enthusiast.

As of two weeks ago and  after much squirrelling away of funds Nick has finally bought his (affordable) dream camera..........

S O N Y   A L P H A   a 7 i i i


A mirrorless full frame camera with great capability in low light, so far the new Sony has been producing images with incredible clarity and depth of colour.   Lots of pics to share today as Nick been busy putting  the camera through it's paces.

We are stoked with it's ability to produce  both the crisp architectural images we love to shoot as well as some gorgeous landscapes.  

W h a t   e l s e   i s   n e w ?

Well it's been three months since our last website update so as of yesterday its been updated with all new images including our last feature week - reflections week which captured some of our favourite buildings reflected in water on the street and some pretty reflections around Otago Harbour.    

W E B S I T E   U P D A T E   -   C H E C K   I T   O U T ! ! !


Pictures galore coming at you today -  Nick has been all over town taking photos with the new camera and we're also sharing a number of gorgeous pics taken recently on the Olympus.  

A r c h i t e c t u r e

Featured above is the first photo Nick took on his on his new Sony,   how crisp are the lines on the Council buildings?  Considering his obsession with buildings - old and new it seemed fitting that the first image to be captured was an architectural shot and this one did not disappoint.

B U I L D I N G S   A B O U T   T O W N

T H E   O C T A G O N


S T   C L A I R   

O T A G O   U N I V E R S I T Y

O L Y M P U S   G O O D N E S S 

S o   b r i g h t.....

Nick suggested (with humour) that we include a section on the website called 'Bright & Garish',  after hearing me moan about image placement.  The truth is we get these epic bright red skies over the city and the beach which are incredible moments to capture but don't look terribly civilised sitting next to each other on a page. 

So if you are after red skies feel free to get in touch - I have a number of red sunrises currently labelled 'hidden'. 

H A P P Y   W E E K E N D   F O L K S

See this gallery in the original post