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Step inside the stylish foyer located within the Security Building at 115 Stuart Street and you may find yourself one step closer to the NRL Grand Final, The Bathurst 1000 or The 2019 Domain Boxing Day Test.

Located on the 4th floor are sports travel company Boys Trip whose focus over the past 13 years has been on getting kiwi blokes to premier sporting events across the globe.


B o y s T r i p

When the opportunity arose to provide some stw studio photography for the walls of the Boys Trip office space recently, we were curious to find out more about this company. Today’s chat is with business owner David Diehl sharing some insight into the business and what they get up to in their corner of Dunedin (and beyond.)

F r o m s i m p l e b e g i n n i n g s

We asked David to share a little about the evolution of the company which was established in 2006.

It started with a group of mates who would always do an annual ‘Boys Trip’ after completing High School. After a few years we realised there might be a gap in the market for a sports travel company with a more personal approach offering affordable yet flexible packages.

‘ P E R S O N A L B U T P R O F E S S I O N A L ‘

B o y s T r i p P a c k a g e s

Boys trip packages are tailored to client needs and include airfares, transfers, accommodation, event tickets, travel insurance. As well as lots of upgrade options, we also usually have a ‘welcome function’ so everyone can catch up and meet each other at the beginning of a trip.

‘We take care of the paperwork so you can focus on having an unforgettable experience.’

Travel consultants have extensive knowledge and personal experience to draw on with a focus on working with the client to deliver a trip that caters to their needs.

C o m i n g u p i n 2 0 1 9

We asked David to share a couple of exciting trips scheduled on the Boys Trip calendar this year.

2019 is a big year for Boys Trip with the Black Caps taking on the Aussies in the Boxing Day Cricket Test in Melbourne, the first time they’ve played a Boxing Day Test in Australia in 32 years! Interest has been huge in this trip and we look forward to getting as many Kiwi’s over to Melbourne this Christmas as possible.

As well as the cricket, we’ve got our usual staple of trips throughout the year, from the Bathurst 1000 to the NRL Grand Final, the Australian MotoGP to the Melbourne Cup!

A u n i q u e c l i e n t f o c u s

Operating within the sports travel sector for a significant period of time we asked David about regular client feedback following a trip, his answer revealing what sets this travel company apart from the rest.

We’ve been around for 13 years now and the most common feedback we receive is that Boys Trip provides lots of flexible options and allows our clients to tailor the package to suit, which a lot of other travel companies don’t. Our clients also like that with having a smaller team, they get to deal with the same travel consultant right from their initial inquiry through until the trip itself.

P r e s s i n g p a u s e

It’s not often that we get to step outside the daily rhythms and responsibilities of everyday life. Boys Trip is grounded on the premise that taking time out for recreation, to reconnect, relax and recharge is important and will be a real highlight on your annual calendar.


To make an enquiry, follow along or perhaps even book your spot at the 2019 Gold Coast 600 visit the Boys Trip Website HERE or check out their Facebook page: BOYS TRIP.

P h o t o g r a p h y F i l e s - T h e S e c u r i t y B u i l d i n g P r o j e c t

The goal to capture this admirable building located on the corner of Stuart St and Moray Place and produce a contemporary collection of large scale images to furnish the Boys Trip office space was a fun project for stw studio.

Final selections included two images (pictured above and below) of The Security Building and an urban reflections image from the ever popular Vogel Street. (scroll right to view)

A stone’s throw from Dunedin’s Octagon, it seemed fitting that the final choice ensconced on the office wall was the image below taken from an elevated perspective looking across The Octagon and down Stuart Street.

See this gallery in the original post