Good morning folks, this week on social media we have been running one of our feature weeks - a week of focused pictures sharing a particular aspect of the city we enjoy. Selecting a theme week proved to be a challenge this time with many possibilities in the pot but deciding on one was difficult.

My no 1. suggestion was spring week - now funnily enough Nicholas was not as enamoured with the idea of traipsing around town pointing his camera at the blossoms decorating the trees or the tulips opening in colour.

However in what I’m taking as a compromise he did bring me home this little peace offering - manly spring at night by the side of a motorway with light trails.

Since spring week was off the table, we were theme-less once again until a couple of weeks ago when a concept became evident from the sunrise images that Nick had been capturing.

U r b a n C l o u d W e e k

Urban cloud week is all about epic skies over buildings with cloud colour, texture and pattern contrasted against the structural buildings below. Hope you enjoy a wee glimpse into some of Dunedin’s buildings under some spring sunrise skies.

S u n d a y

M o n d a y

T u e s d a y

W e d n e s d a y

T h u r s d a y

F r i d a y

S a t u r d a y

S u n d a y

H a p p y w e e k e n d f o l k s !

Finishing off sharing one last image - taken on a Monday morning in August the sky an incredible mass of texture spanning across the city.

Dunedin photography, 2Nick Beadle