
T h e W a r e h o u s e P r e c i n c t

An exciting photographic project for Nick in March involved shooting Dunedin’s beautiful Warehouse Precinct for column feature ‘The Urbanists’, penned by editor Federico Monsalve in Urbis Magazine (issue 109).

Grateful for this opportunity the project involved taking an assortment of photographs representative of the architectural landscape of the Warehouse Precinct. Aiming to capture the ‘metamorphosis’ unfolding in this area as new life forms amongst an urban setting splashed with creativity, visible through street art and the burgeoning hospitality scene.



c o l o u r v i b r a n c y c r e a t i v i t y i n n o v a t i o n h e r i t a g e f u s i o n



Matt Cross - The Tart Tin

P e o p l e o f t h e p r e c i n c t

Last but not least in the project were images of ‘ people of the precinct’ including some key figures who have been involved from the beginning stages of the area’s regeneration - a time when the Warehouse Precinct was a derelict and unresolved pocket of the city.

Today many new businesses are infusing the area with vision, innovation and work that continues building on the ‘transformative’ culture, a culture of evolution that resonates with the foundations of the place.


Riah Mclean - Heritage Coffee + Vogel St Kitchen


Lawrie Forbes - Zeal Steel







(Lawrie Forbes)




N o t a l l p l a i n s a i l i n g . . .

It would be easy to share these images accompanied by a big ‘hurrah’ Nick’s photographs made it into a great magazine but the reality is after a concentrated effort gathering the required shots for a time-sensitive brief the images were emailed and ……… we didn’t nail it the first time.

A confronting moment but also a moment requiring re-focus, re-clarification of the brief and getting back out there. For a guy in his element photographing buildings in the quiet of the day, vision and creativity behind the camera for Nick requires space, stillness, perspective, clarity.

Gracious people were re-photographed and thanks to a clear and calm Monday morning yielding perfect conditions for shooting Round 2 pictures, this time we met with success.




C r e a t i v e s p a c e s

Urbis Issue 109 -’Creative Spaces’ is aptly named with beautiful photography and the stories behind some stunning interior spaces from New Zealand and around the globe.


‘A R T , I N N O V A T I O N , C R E A T I V I T Y

H O M E S W I T H I M A G I N A T I O N I N T H E I R H E A R T S’

(urbis magazine issue 109: Creative Spaces)


Grab yourself a copy - we all know that a quality design magazine paired with a coffee and a spot in the sunshine is the ultimate self care combo.



Signing off with the the Warehouse Precinct’s resident Buffalo……